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06 Jan


Automate tenant management

January 6, 2023 | By |

There are several ways you can automate tenant management at your rental properties:

  1. Use a property management software: Property management software can help you automate many aspects of tenant management, including lease agreements, rent collection, and maintenance requests. Some software even includes features such as automatic late rent reminders and the ability to accept online rent payments.
  2. Set up automatic rent reminders: Use a calendar or task management app to set up automatic rent reminders for your tenants. This will help ensure that rent is paid on time and reduce the risk of late payments.
  3. Use a digital leasing process: Many property management companies now offer digital leasing options, which allow tenants to complete the leasing process online. This can save you time and make the process more efficient.
  4. Automate maintenance requests: Set up a system for tenants to submit maintenance requests online or through a smartphone app. This can help you track and prioritize maintenance tasks and keep your properties in good condition.
  5. Consider hiring a property management company: If you have multiple rental properties and want to automate tenant management, you may want to consider hiring a property management company. These companies handle all aspects of property management for you, including tenant relations and maintenance.

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